The Speaker said ...
Mike Doig has written a great report about what Judge Arthur Tompkins had to say last night during his fantastic talk which kept all members riveted. As Mike said, in addition to his duties as a lawyer and judge, Art has become an expert in the specialised field of Art Crime and he certainly demonstrated his knowledge last night. Members and guests alike were spellbound, not only by what Art had to say, but also by his wonderful power point presentation and the beautiful art it depicted.
President Euon welcomed a large number of visitors this week. Donna had invited Carole Stapleton; Stuart Rennison from Ipswich, England came for the last time (he said that last week and we were so glad to see him again!) and brought his son, Neil on this occasion. Two prospective members, Bruce Thompson for the second visit and Rowena Winton both came to check us out. Honorary Member, Jim Dearsly came for the second week in a row and, of course, it was lovely to see Cris, who's not such a frequent visitor these days.
Phillip Reidy gave us a thought-provoking Viewpoint about Recycling Plastic concluding that plastic recycling is a flawed model and a new model is required to introduce a minimal and biodegradable packaging regime from source to point of sale. You can have another look at his PowerPoint presentation here.
This week's happenings
You can read the February newsletter from Plimmerton Inner Wheel here.
The Myanmar Homework Club day has changed from a Friday to a Tuesday from 4.00-5.30 pm giving Rotarians time to get to the weekly meeting. If anyone wants to help, please let Bill know.
Discovery School has asked for help with their XGames on Sunday 25 March. Volunteers are needed to supervising one of the various activities for a couple of hours. We have done this before and it's fun for us and a great family event for them.
Joe Perera announced the exciting news that he and Sheryl are now proud grandparents to Isuri Grace Perera Quin born to their daughter, Nilani. When she is old enough to talk, she will call Joe 'Siya' which means 'Grandfather or a 100-year-old man' in Sri Lankan.
The reading programme started this week on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Rangikura School. Five members had a fun time with a couple of five-year-old each. This will become a weekly event and it is already clear that this will make a big difference to the children's language development.
President Euon reported on various decisions that were made by the Board this week.
A donation of $2,500 would be sent to Rangikura School to buy Duffy Books in Homes over the next two years, and a new computer to replace their ageing one and Kay is looking into the possibility of connecting the school with a sister club in Melbourne.
The container that has been positioned at Ration Creek for many years, courtesy of Phillip and Janet Reidy, will be donated to the Porirua Menz Shed. Our club's thanks go to the Reidys for letting their land be used for so many years.
A repeat of last year's Golf Tournament at Judgeford Golf Course will take place on 27 November this year.
What's coming up in February and beyond?
Next week, 25 February, Colin James's talk is entitled, 'After Jacinda'. He will look beyond the present government to the wider politics of the 2020s and the rise of a younger generation.
A reminder that we're going bowling at Whitby Bowling Club on Tuesday 10 March. Les will have everything ready for us and you can find the details here.
And on Tuesday 17 March, anyone who is not involved in the Inner Wheel 30th birthday, is invited to Tawa Rotary Club to hear from the Primate Keeper at Wellington Zoo. If you are going to the Inner Wheel event, or not going to Tawa, please remember to apologise to the Professionals.
For all future events, go here.
Parting thought
Les Callear's Parting Thought was a cryptic crossword clue, 'Advanced in fast time (4)'. Those who came to the meeting know the answer ...
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Euon.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.
Euon reminds members that it is the role of the person saying Grace to host Cris for the evening.