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Weekly Update - 2 February 2021

Weekly Update - 2 February 2021










President Bill welcomed Donna Gray, the Director of Clinical Services at Mary Potter Hospice.

The speaker said...

It being a night for planning meetings, there was no speaker.


Chris Garrett gave us his Viewpoint tonight. He said, 'Covid 19 will be with us for many more years to come. There is no easy solution… so enjoy living in New Zealand and feel fortunate that we live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world'.

What’s coming up in February and beyond?

On Waitangi Day, Saturday 6 February, we are sharing a marketing stall with Porirua Club, at the City Council Festival Day at Te Rauparaha Arena. Please let Kay or Bill know if you are able to help with set up, time on the stall, or pack down. We need one or two more helpers please either at set-up or pack down or to be on the stall for an hour or so to talk Rotary to passers-by.

The meeting on Tuesday 9 February remains a mystery. Come along for a surprise! Be informed and entertained. Emilee Wilkinson, our sponsored student at the recent NZ Science and Technology Forum in Auckland will give a short report on her experience.

The Book Fair Revival will take place from 19-21 February 2021 at 4 Lydney Place, Porirua. and we have access to the venue from 16-23 February which will allow plenty of time to set up and takedown. There will be no heavy lifting for Rotarians. Phillip Reidy is organising this so expect a tap on the shoulder if you haven't already had one! If you are asked about accepting donated books, please refer people to Phillip as they can be dropped off at Ration Creek Orchard. We have 1,200 boxes in storage which, if sold at $20 a box which could potentially raise a lot of money. This will be the last Book Fair the Club will hold, so please let everyone know the dates and location as the aim is to generate some needed revenue for the Charitable Trust. If you want more details, you can find them on the Events page. Please do not send any more books to Ration Creek Orchard. The Book Fair is over-subscribed and there is no room for any at Phillip's home.

The social media campaign is underway so please make sure if you use Facebook you share the post with everyone you can. The radio campaign has already started on “News Talk ZB” with a mention on the community pages and then we will be live on Saturday 6th, 13th, and 20th. This will be supported by radio slots starting two weeks out. Tune in to ZB Buy and Sell on Saturday morning to get inspired to spend money at the Book Fair! The rest of the work for the Book Fair is coming together nicely thanks to everyone working on their part. We are currently looking at the possibility of moving some of the unsold books (hopefully none!) to the Cook Islands or Fiji through Rotary Clubs there. If you drive/walk, pass 4 Lydney Place North you will see the signs up on the window advertising the Book Fair. Please tell all you know about this book fair with some 40,000 books of all genres to choose from so there will be no excuse for not finding a book so you can “escape to your quiet place”.

The Rotary Club of Wellington is holding a fundraising Centennial Dinner on Sunday 21 February.  Dr Michael Baker is the speaker. If you wish to go simply register online at their website at this link. Please let Kay know if you want to sit together with members of our Club attending so she can notify the organisers.

Registrations are still open for the District Centennial Conference at Carterton Events Centre from 19-21 March.  Go to this link. And Kay would love us to have a good-sized Club group attending (and needs your company). Why not make this our social event for March?! The Saturday Night theme is the year our Club was chartered - the 1970s. Golf, sunshine, some excellent speakers. What more could you want? And ... Denise and Dexter have offered to host a Saturday afternoon get together - 70s themed food and dress. They also have room for a few people to stay including caravans... Sounds as though this is definitely our March Social Event. We have a group of about 9-10 already registered. It would be great to have a larger presence.

To see some of our future events, you can go here.


President Bill presented Donna Gray with $7500 raised at our recent Golf Tournament organised by Chris Garrett and supported by many of our members. Donna explained how valuable this donation is to the Hospice which helped about 900 people and their families last year.

An email this morning from Phillip Harris, their Senior Fundraiser said, "Thank you again for your support of Mary Potter Hospice. I hope it all went really well last night at the meeting and I trust Donna gave a wonderful speech about the Hospice. I hope to be back in touch soon and will invite you over to Te Whare Rānui for a look around."

Nick is doing a great job with organising our speakers whom he enters in our calendar as each one confirms. You will notice that speakers are arranged up to the end of March and, although Nick has others he is negotiating with, suggestions from members are always welcome. Several of you already do this and the more suggestions Nick gets, the more diverse our speaker programme becomes.

This week’s happenings

Mana Zonta has sent us their latest newsletter from which you can see how busy they have been lately.

The Almoner said …

John Barber spoke to Annette Austing. Les was admitted to Wellington hospital on Tuesday. He fractured his L3 vertebrae prior to Christmas and has been in and out of hospital since then as he has been in a lot of pain. He could be transferred to Kenepuru for rehab soon and Annette will update us when that happens.

John O’Connell has had knee replacement surgery and is now recovering at home.

A report from Rhondda Sweetman: Phillip Reidy has had his surgery and is recuperating at home.

Don Johnston is also finding that his recovery is still not complete. It's been a long road for Don.

Parting thought

Graeme Blick gave us the Parting thought this week, a beautiful quote from Pope Francis and a reminder to all of us to be kind to each other. Here it is ...
Rivers do not drink their own water,
trees do not eat their own fruit,
the sun does not shine on itself; and
flowers do not spread their own fragrances for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is -
life is good when you are happy,
but much better when others are happy because of you.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Bill.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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