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Weekly Update - Tuesday 21 March 2017


 Plimmerton Rotary Weekly Update

Tuesday 21 March 2017

No speaker this week

It's the third Tuesday again so members went off to do some future planning in their Committees.


2017 Book Fair: President Peter Cox welcomed Honorary Member Ted Nation and thanked him again for his generosity in providing the club with two lock-ups, which are so important to our running of the book fair.
Allan Nichols reminded everyone that the roster for the Book Fair is now out. Members can of course help out over and above their rostered times, if they wish. The loan of sack barrows would be helpful.
Te Ara Piko. Ron Lucas gave the club an update on the project and showed us a new overflight video of the lagtest stage. Stage 2 should complete by Easter. Our own fundraising exceeds $500,000 which is sufficient to fund another stage. A further $750,000 will take us to Camborne. On the south side of the Inlet, the old SH58 will become a local road and may include a pathway once Transmission Gulley is complete. Restoration planting is soon coming to an end. 
President-elect Jenny Lucas advised the club board appointments for the 2017/18 year.
Donna Reed (President Nominee): Club Administration
Ken Gardner: International/Rotary Foundation
Bill McAulay: Youth
Wendy Betteridge: Communications
Ron Lucas: Projects
Peter Cox: Past President
Graeme Tongs: Secretary
Bruce Couch: Treasurer.
President Peter noted that Bryan Waddle would be commentating on his 250th cricket test this week - an amazing achievement
Euon Murrell announced that he would be a prospective candidate in the 2017 Election, for the National Party, and that the long-awaited speed camera warning notice in Whitford Brown Avenue would be installed soon. 

The Outside World

 A new book in the field of public health highlights Rotary’s role in the global effort to wipe out polio, and places it in the context of humanity’s relentless struggle to contain the world’s epidemics.


This week's happenings

The latest membership list has been uploaded into the Intranet. It includes several recent changes as well as Rhondda's Sweetman's information and Nick Walmsley's change of email address. Log into the site, go to the Intranet and you can then download the pdf of the new list.

If you're wondering where the Programme tab on the Menu Bar has gone, the Communications Committee has decided to move information about future speakers to the Events button. 

A 'Special Edition' has been received from the District Governor. Apart from listing importnt deadlines, there's a warning about a SCAM that's been detected. Watch out! Please note that information about the Presidential Citation in the newsletter no longer works. This is the correct one.

The Porirua City Secondary Schools Speech Contest will be held on Friday 16 June. David has written a comprehensive welcome which has been posted on the Events page.

The Rotary Best Speaker Awards will be held on 27 May. Julie McLagan has been working hard to get all the ducks in a row and you'll be able to see all the details in next week's Update.

What's coming up in March and beyond?

Tuesday 28 March - Mayor Mike Tana will be coming to speak to us.
Thursday 30 March-Sunday 2 April - all hands on deck to help with running the Book Fair.
Tuesday 4 April - Here's a good site to go to to brush up on your General Knowledge for a Quiz night.
Tuesday 11 April - Judge Andrew Becroft, Children's Commissioner, will be our guest speaker. Partners and visitors are especially welcome.

Who's on duty next week - 28 March?

Greeters: Peter Turner and Linda Parsons
Hosting Laurie: Nick Walmsley
Grace: Rob Tinney
Introduction: Allan Nichols
Thanks: Jenny Lucas
Parting Thought: Ron Lucas



Weekly Update - Tuesday 21 March 2017

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