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Weekly Update - Planning Meetings - 03 March 2020







The Speaker said ...

It being an evening for Planning Meetings, there was no speaker tonight.


David Pine gave his Viewpoint, Onwards and Upwards tonight. He told us a story about a climber and concluded by saying, 'In order for you to reach for something higher up, you must first have the courage to let go of something lower down.'

This week's happenings

Stop Press: I'm delighted to be able to shout this news from the rooftops. Joy Allcock will be presenting the Shine Literacy Project to the World Literacy Summit in Oxford, England in April. The Shine Project has been generating interest in several countries around the world. Joy is hopeful there will be similar interest from our own Government with an upcoming meeting with the Hon Tracey Martin, Associate Minister of Education. A Press Statement was released today 3 March. In the meantime, keep reading ...

Here's a poster from Mana Zonta with all the details you need about their Pop Up Boutique with the venue and opening hours.

Repeating last week's information, the Rotary Club of Paraparaumu is staging a Charity Golf Tournament at Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club on Thursday 12 March 2020 to fund-raise for extensions to the Ocean Road Community Centre. If you would like to enter, please get in touch with Bob Hamilton on 04 298 8012 or email him at


Allan Nichols would like to hear from anyone who wants to help and is not yet on his list. Please let him know directly. He will be sending out a roster next week.

He also mentioned that, if you buy your groceries at New World Porirua, there is a box there for donations to the Menz Shed. He said how very grateful the Menz Shed was for the donation of the Rotary container, transported from Ration Creek.

President Euon asked directors to bring members up to date with what their committees are currently planning.

From a very busy Youth Committee, Donna mentioned:

  • The Science Forum
  • Project looking at poverty in preschoolers in Porirua with Ascot Park Kindy (which links on to Rangikura Primary) as the focus.
  • The two exchange students, in and out, with the Board decision that this will be the last year. The Helen Kelly movie has raised over $900 towards the costs of our students. Donna
  • The Myanmar Homework Club, looking to tie up with a computer course with e-Learning Porirua. Bill
  • The Parumoana Speech competition in November - David Knight
  • Applications for RYPEN which have to be submitted by 6 March - David Knight
  • The Rotary Best Speakers Award which will be run by Bill and new member, Ann with the theme, 'When I win Lotto'.
  • Innovative Young Minds project - Leith Corner
  • A partner school with a literacy theme for Rangikura Primary School. in addition to the new adventure of reading with individual children on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and our Club sponsoring Duffy Books in Homes - Kay
  • Continuation of a pilot programme with Paekakariki Cycle Library to increase the number of children in Porirua able to ride bikes. 5 schools now have cycle tracks and five more are planned. Donna
  • Discovery School X games.

Phillip Reidy said that the Communications team was working away quite solidly, reacting to requests from other committees. We are looking at improving the website. All of the latest new members have made contact through the website which is what we'd hoped from the outset. Te Ara Piko is onto its last section which has gone out to tender. The team working on its completion are looking forward to seeing this last section opened in the not to distant future.

A subcommittee is very busy with Dancing for Life Education and represented the Club at the Media Launch in Wellington on 4 March.

Euon Murrell reminded everyone of the function to be held with the cluster clubs in conjunction with the Derek Wootton Trust on 2 June in aid of the Prevention of Youth Suicide in the community. Tickets will be $300 for sponsors who get naming rights and other benefits. 

Euon also noted that the role of District Governor nominee was open to anyone interested.

What's coming up in March and beyond?

Another reminder about freeing up the trees that were planted last spring. Wednesday 11 March is the next date, any time between 9 and 12. Go to Ulric Street, Plimmerton by the NZ Motor Caravans Association site. It's easy work as the soil is nice and damp. Take gloves and hand tools. If you want more information, talk to Bill or Barry.

Remember that we're going bowling next week, 10 March. Here are the details.

There's no meeting at Mana Cruising Club on 17 March. Those not involved with the Inner Wheel 30th Anniversary are warmly invited to Tawa Rotary Club at Tawa Bowling Club, Davies Street, Tawa. Please make the usual apology if you are not attending. They meet at 5.45 for 6.15 pm and their President is Judith Gray.

The next important date in the calendar is the Annual Book Fair on 21-22 March.

You can find future events here.

Parting thought 

Tonight Donna gave us the Parting Thought, 'As you get older you've got to stay positive. For example, the other day I fell down the stairs ... Instead of getting upset I just thought, "Wow, that's the fastest I've moved in years"'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Euon.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.
Euon reminds members that it is the role of the person saying Grace to host Cris for the evening.


Weekly Update - Planning Meetings - 03 March 2020

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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