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Weekly Update - Philanthropy in a Changing World - 9 October 2018








The speaker said …

Mike Doig reports on what Christina Howard, Executive Director of the Todd Foundation, had to tell us as she introduced members to the world of philanthropy at last evening’s meeting.


Donna reminded members about the Suffrage event on 17 October. Please sell as many tickets as you can to show respect to the excellent speakers who have given up their time to speak to us on the night. There will be a raffle at the event and tickets will also be sold at the meeting next week. The proceeds will go towards buying digital devices for Porirua College students who are going on to tertiary education. Please fill your pockets before you come to the meeting next week. Here is the flyer with all the information.  Womens_Suffrage_flyer 

Allan Nichols thanked those members who helped with parking at the Dog Show. He is now looking for people to volunteer for three hours shifts at the Pop-up-Shop from 4-11 November. The ladies from Inner Wheel will also be there so the company will be great. He also needs help on the Sundays before and afterwards to set up and take down.

Sandie thanked Donna, Sue, and Leigh for their help with the Blood Pressure testing. Forty-one people had been tested and four were referred to their GP. 

Bill McAulay has rescheduled the trip to Plimmerton Beach for the Myanmar Homework Club kids for Saturday 13 October. He will need 5-6 cars (and helpers) for 2-3 hours. Please let Bill know if you can help.

Angus brought good wishes from Walter Double to those who had been in Rotary for more than 25 years. Walter is now living in Waikanae.

PDG Graeme told us that Jessica Sebastian had sent a long email on 17 September. She is living in a town called Oder near Frankfurt in Germany. She has moved into a flat and is looking forward to starting university. Graeme passed on her thanks and kindest regards to the club. 

Peter Sinke regretted that he had to warn members about the new Microsoft 11 package which had been rolled out and quickly withdrawn as an 'absolute disaster'. He urged members to check their computers in case they'd been subjected to an automatic update. Phillip Reidy has sent some information which I've saved onto a file here.  Microsoft_Windows_10_Alert 

Phillip Reidy gave an excellent presentation on the findings of the recent survey and undertook to send the report around to members. The results were positive on the whole and the report highlighted areas where the comms team could take some actions to make things even easier for members. 

The Almoner said …

John Barber reports that he has sent a card to Anne-Marie Wilkinson on the sad news of the death of Ben. Both were former members of our club. President Donna informed members of the funeral details.


This week’s happenings

In line with what Christina had to tell us, Partners Porirua are looking for more Driver Mentors. They will be holding a Community Driver Mentor Training session on Tuesday, 23 October from 5.30pm – to 7.00 pm which just gives you time to go before arriving (a bit late) at Rotary. The programme objectives are to:

• Help young people achieve their restricted licence as it will make a positive difference in their life/career choices.
• Recruit more driving mentors as demand for assisting young people has increased.
• Update your own knowledge/key skills in relation to driving.
• Build positive relationships between people from all walks of life within our Porirua community.

If you feel that this is something you'd like to contribute to, please contact Henry Samia on 027 2299208.

On another note, Partners Porirua is looking for Porirua's top young employees for 2018. If you have anyone in mind, please get in touch with Jane on 022 352 7040 or email her at  Here is the application form.  Young_Employee_Award_application_2018 

What’s coming up in October and beyond?

On 16 October Rodney Wong will be talking to us about the Wildbase Recovery Centre and hopes to be joined by his co-Founder, Scotty, who he describes as 'A good bugger who just gets s**t done'! And a reminder that DG Marion Johnstone will be visiting the club on 30 October. More details will follow.

Contact Donna if you can help at the Diwali Night Market on 25 October between 5.00-8.30 pm. Contact Peter if you can be a collector for Blind Appeal week on Saturday 27 October at Porirua New World. And contact Adrienne if you can help with mock interviews at Porirua College for Year 13 leavers from 12.00-3.00 on 2 November.

Remember to come early on Melbourne Cup Day on 6 November if you want to place a bet! The bar will be open until dinner is served. Ladies, remember to wear your fascinators (great prizes to be won) and gentlemen, dress well if you hope to be in for a prize.

If the family is visiting, remember to schedule the Christmas party for members' children and grandchildren on 11 December.

You can find information about all future events here.


Wendy gave her point of view about valuing differences. Some members have requested a copy so you can read it here if you wish.

Parting thought

Gwyn Akeroyd passed on a quote from an old mechanic friend of his who said, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.


Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram. If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Donna.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - Philanthropy in a Changing World - 9 October 2018

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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