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Weekly Update - Look at that Cave Man Go

Weekly Update - Look at that Cave Man Go






The speaker said ...

David Pine regaled us with tales told by Chris Moore on the subject of caving. Although Chris admitted that spending lengthy periods underground wouldn't be everyone's idea of an enjoyable leisure pursuit, he entertained us with his humorous and interesting presentation.


After Philip Whearty drew attention to Bryan Waddle’s garish strides, President Peter Cox welcomed visiting Rotarian Debbie Mair, incoming new member Barry McEwan and his wife Dinah, honorary member Brian Emery, and guests Velma Knight and Schapelle Corby.

There followed the induction of Barry McEwen to the club. David Knight introduced Barry, and explained how he got to know him. Barry was reckoned to be “a very good bloke”, and there can be no higher praise than that.

Sadly, Peter also had to announce the resignation of Dianne McGavin from the club, although she will stay in Inner Wheel so we will still see her now and then.

Jenny Lucas reminded us that the DG Changeover will take place on 1 July in Palmerston North. If anyone wishes to go, contact Jenny.

She also noted that another building team was going to Taveuni in Fiji at the end of July. They will build more accommodation units for teachers. If anyone wants to join, contact Jenny.

Donna Reed asked club members to look out for books dealing with agricultural subjects, which are badly needed in Nepal.

The club has been approached by the local branch of the Mary Potter Hospice, who need volunteers, especially on Wednesdays. See President Peter if interested.

Parting Thought for the week

Bruce Couch defined an acquaintance as 'someone you know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend money to'.

This week's happenings

RBSA - Thanks to Mike Doig for reporting on this wonderful event on Saturday. There were happy, smiling faces wherever you looked and so much excitement. Mayor Mike was a real star, especially when he rapped from the podium! President Peter thanked all who had made the Awards such a success, especially the indefatigable organiser, Julie McLagan. As a follow-up, second place-getter Matthew Di Leva will address the club on 20 June. 

Alistair Taylor reports that Felix’s whereabouts and average boat speed can be tracked here. 'This is based on an hourly update', he says, 'so if sometimes we appear to have sailed over solid land, it is just an illusion'.  

What's coming up in June and beyond?

Tuesday 6 June - Paul Craven will tell us how SAR activity is coordinated within his vast region and how the distress beacon works.

Tuesday 13 June - Laurie will give her very last speech to the club about her experiences throughout the year. This is a partners' night.

Friday 16 June - David Knight asked members to attend the Porirua City Secondary Schools Speech Contest at The Anchor Church at 6.30 pm. It promises to be an exciting evening. 

Tuesday 27 June - Get ready for the dinner meeting with a difference when we will watch the British Lions playing the Hurricanes on the Big Screen.

The Outside World

Debbie Mair from Hutt City Rotary Club is looking for donations. Donna Reed promoted Debbie Mair’s tee-shirts ($30 each) which support the care of the endangered pygmy elephants.

Who's on duty this month?


The RI theme for 2017-2018
Rotary: Making a Difference

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