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Weekly Update - Light at the end of the Covid tunnel - 14 June 2022





'A touch of Glamour'

If you haven't replied to your invitation to the Changeover evening on Tuesday 5 July, please let President-Elect Denise know your intentions and numbers - deadline this Friday -
so that she can make plans, especially for catering purposes.
(Remember that members will get 2-3 meal refunds from cancelled meetings before and after Changeover which will be reflected in the actual price)


President Kay welcomed our speaker, Luke Malpass who, she said, would enlighten us about Parliamentary Journalism in Covid times; Marilyn Stevens District 9940 DGE and Jocelyn Hogg DGN; (Marilyn introduced us to Jocelyn who has been heavily involved in international service projects); Jenny Dawson, a former member of our Club; and Honorary members Christine Blick and Ron Lucas. She also welcomed partners and spouses Rhondda Walmsley, Lorraine Whyte, Velma Knight, Maureen Gillon, Sheryl Perera, Carolyn Wallace, Linda Sinké, and Anne-Marie Garrett, a guest of our Club tonight. David Pine has a visitor, Dieter Timmerman who introduced himself, and two visitors with Bruce tonight, Nick Emmerson and Wayne Sullivan who have expressed an interest in what goes on at Rotary. 

President's Announcements

We had the final meeting of this year’s Board last night and it was great to have members of the incoming Board present as we had several items to discuss. Kay thanked all of her Board for their friendship and all that they have achieved during her year. 
Decades Recognition: We had a presentation to several members recently as they had all reached the milestone of being a Rotarian for 20, 30, or 40 years. This was a first for Plimmerton Club and we calculated the recipients from RI records. Each person received a Club certificate as RI President Mehta Shekhar only sends an official letter on the due date. RI does not backdate these. However from now on, we will obtain RI Presidential letters for each individual as they reach the milestone. So tonight I’d like Marilyn, representing our District, to come out and present his letter to Chris Garrett.
President’s wine this week goes to Chris Garrett for his work all year in running the monthly Drinks and Nibbles – a staple on our programme for several years; and for running the annual Golf Tournament to raise funds for Mary Potter Hospice.

Members’ Announcements

Bill said it was a shame we have a clash with two important events due to the people outside our control involved in each event. Coinciding with the official opening of the Porirua Garden, he is expecting over 100 people from the Health Promotion Agency to plant some trees. He needs about ten Rotarians to supervise this work which will get work on the planting of 1,000 trees planned for this year started. Please let Bill know if you can help. Bill also mentioned that he is developing a matrix for members to use when developing a new project. When this is complete, he will be happy to share it.

John gave an update on the amendment that will be required to the Club Bylaws to cover the possibility of Corporate Membership.  Notice is given that a vote is to be taken at the club meeting on Tuesday 28 June 2022 to approve the amendment of adding Corporate Membership to the Club Bylaws. The proposed Article 11 is attached. Article_11_Corporate_Membership 
Changing the Club Bylaws requires that written notice be sent to each member 10 days before the meeting, that a quorum be present for the vote, and that two-thirds of the voters support the change. Changes to these Bylaws must be consistent with the Standard Rotary Club Constitution, the RI Constitution, Bylaws, and the Rotary Code of Policies. You can read the Club Bylaws by clicking on the Intranet button on our website (you will need to sign in). Scroll down the right column to Administration > Constitution and Bylaws.
Please refer any questions either to Nick Walmsley, Graeme Tongs, or John O'Connell

President-Elect Denise reminded members to register for 'A Touch of Glamour' on 5 July and said that there is still time to give Dexter the names of favourite songs that they would like to hear on the night.

The speaker said …

Senior journalist Luke Malpass has been covering the news from Parliament for many years and has witnessed his share of highs and lows. You can read David's review about how Luke explained how different the atmosphere had become since the arrival of Covid, which in his view had preoccupied the Government for much too long. 


Bruce Phillips gave us his sobering Viewpoint tonight, based on extensive research he has conducted into the facts about declining membership in Rotary both locally and internationally. 

What’s coming up in June and beyond? 

An important reminder that there will be no meeting next week. 

A reminder that the Opening of the Porirua Garden is next Tuesday at 10.00 am. RSVPs are due by Friday please. 

The next Drinks and Nibbles will be held on Sunday 26 June at Kay's home.

On Tuesday 28 June, a panel of three distinguished people from the real estate industry will speak about 'Real Estate in Post-Covid Times' before opening the discussion to the audience. There will also be some end-of-year fun before dinner. Please bring some gold coins as there will be a raffle drawn on the night. Partners/spouses are welcome as always. Make this a fantastic finish to the 2021-2022 Rotary year. 

For all future events, go here. 

This week’s happenings

Brenda Callear sent her last newsletter for Plimmerton Inner Wheel, full of interesting news as usual. She's been a great help in keeping us all informed about what they've been up to and the editor will miss her monthly emails. (Thanks Brenda!)

Sheryl Perera, incoming President of Plimmerton Inner Wheel, has sent us details of the fundraiser for the Child Cancer Foundation movie they are staging on 14 July 2022. The movie is 'Phantom of the Open' and is based on a true story. The cost is $25. Early bookings get the best seats! You can find the details here. Child_Cancer_movie 

The Almoner said …

Almoner John reports that several members have experienced a few hiccoughs with their health in the past week. The good news is that all are recovering well, albeit somewhat slowly, and we hope to see them back, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed very soon. If you want any more information, please ask John.

Parting thought

Dexter gave us the Parting Thought tonight, one attributed to Albert Einstein (although not proven). 'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - Light at the end of the Covid tunnel - 14 June 2022

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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