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Keeping the Pauatahanui Inlet beautiful

The Pauatahanui Inlet is situated about 20 km north of Wellington and lies within Porirua City. The annual clean up of the Inlet between high and low water is always held on a Sunday, and each year its date must be chosen to be at or near low tide and to be at a suitable time to include the luncheon BBQ afterwards. So the calendar date may vary year to year within the couple of months centred on mid-October to mid-November.

The objective of this clean-up is to control the build-up of rubbish resulting from urban usage. This event first took place in 1992, conceived by the then newly established Guardians of the Pauatahanui Inlet and continuing until the present day on an annual basis. 

In a typical year, participants in the clean-up total about 50 with 15 or so being Plimmerton Rotarians. Of these, some always go to the after-event BBQ, provisions for which are generously donated by New World Paremata who also provide a grocery prize to the winner of a raffle, held as part of the BBQ. If you'd like to come along and lend a helping hand, please contact us.


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