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International Youth Exchange

The most powerful force in the promotion of international understanding and peace is exposure to different cultures. The world becomes a smaller, friendlier place when we learn that all people, regardless of nationality, desire the same basic things – a safe, comfortable environment that allows for a rich and satisfying life for our children and ourselves.

International Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people between the ages of 16-18 with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience their cultures. This plants the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.

PeterPlimmerton Rotary has been hosting students from other countries and sponsoring New Zealand students to other countries since the inception of the programme. Kiwi students leave in January for their twelve month exchanges. Students arriving in New Zealand generally start their exchange in July. Hosting these students is the privilege of 3-4 host families and a counsellor who advises and supports the student during their stay.

You do not need to be a Rotarian to host a student. If you would like to become involved with this programme, please contact us.

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