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Sir Robert Jones on Muldoon

By Jim Dearsly

Bob JonesTrying to take notes of Sir Bob’s address was a bit like trying to record the make of every car on a motorway in rush hour. One amusing anecdote followed another in quick succession about our Prime Ministers from Fraser and Kirk to Lange and taking in Clark and Key. It was an entertaining romp through the past. His main theme though was his judgement and defence of Sir Robert Muldoon.

He is offended now by the media’s misrepresentation and character assassination of Muldoon. Like everyone he had his strengths and weaknesses. At that time Muldoon did represent the prevailing economic and social attitudes and it is unfair to judge him now with hindsight and on current thinking. He considers Muldoon to have been very honest, got things done, respected tradition, and got on well with people. He kept his election undertakings. However, Bob thought Muldoon was the only man in history who turned left as he got older. He did care about the good kiwi joker and he made mistakes in trying to protect the man in the street from world economic pressures outside his control.

Sir Bob clearly moved about the upper leadership echelons and had contact with many PMs over the years. He was not backward in coming forward to express his opinions about some of them but the writer will not repeat them for fear of being sued for libel (and they say the greater the truth, the greater the libel).

All in all it was a very entertaining address and a real insight into our political past.


Ministerial Pathway visit

Amy AdamsThere will be a morning tea held at 11.00 am on Tuesday 12 August at the Pauatahanui Lighthouse Cinema Café to host Hon Amy Adams who will take this opportunity to see our progress on the Te Ara Piko Pathway.

On her re-election in 2011 Amy was made a member of Cabinet and currently holds the roles of Minister for the Environment and Minister of Communications and Information Technology. She has previously held the roles of Minister for Internal Affairs and Associate Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery.

Next week's guest speaker

Anthony ScottOn 12 August, our speaker will be Governor for District 9940, Anthony Scott. His topic will be “Science: NZ’s Secret Source”.

Anthony will also be open to questions on Rotary.

This will be a partners night so there will be a ring around to confirm numbers.

Bob Jones defends Muldoon

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